Coaching of executives


Typical Coaching Issues


_ From colleague to superior: I want to be boss, but I don't want to lose my good connection to my colleagues.

_ Leadership issues: This employee is stubborn and puts a strain on the mood in the team.

_ Overworking on the job: The work is getting out of hand, I don't even know where to start anymore.

_ Conflicts on the job: Working with this colleague makes me sick, what can I do?

_ Job dissatisfaction: Should I stay, should I change, if yes, where to?


_ Overtaxed with new working methods, e.g. agile working: How do we get employees to take on more responsibility? And managers to give up responsibility?

_ Rejection of new tools/IT applications: There are no processes for that yet, how is that supposed to work?

_ Uncertainty after reorganization: What is our new role? Who's doing what now?

_ Conflicts in the cooperation: It cannot go on like this, otherwise the project crashes.


Course of a Coaching

1. Preparation

_ What expectations does the coachee have? ?

_ What is his topic or goal?

_ How many coaching sessions and at what frequency

2. Execution

_ Recommendation: 2 - 5 sessions of 3 hours each in 6 months

_ Between sessions the coachee tests his/her insights in practice.

_ Behavioral change takes time and positive practical experience to be sustainable!

3. Conclusion

_ Reflection on what has been achieved

_ Agreement on next steps for the near future

_ Feedback on the coach and the coaching process

Coaching of executives


Added Value through Coaching

For the Clients

_ Stress reduction & increase in resilience

_ More self-image (Who am I? What's important to me? What are my values, needs, resources?)

_ More self-determination / personal responsibility

_ More understanding for viewpoints, interests, needs of other people

_ More social competence

_ Improved self-management

_ Improved ability to work in a team

_ Improved communication skills

_ Improved leadership skills

_ Better quality of life

For the Company

_ More change and change competence among managers and employees

_ More efficiency, motivation and job satisfaction

_ Improving cooperation and communication

_ Indirectly more productivity, innovation, quality and customer satisfaction

_ Indirectly lower absenteeism, fluctuation, personnel and labour costs

_ The benefit of coaching usually exceeds its costs by 60% to 100%.

Sources: Capgemini Consulting: Change Management Study 2010: Business Transformation - Successfully Shaping Change / Annette-Christina Kapatz: Cost-benefit analysis of coaching measures. Shaker 2013


Structure. Overview. Achieving goals.